Chris Haiskey

Licensing: FA.100088140
Chris Haiskey

Licensing: FA.100088140

My name is Chris Haiskey and I am a Denver native. I started my career at a very young age (17) at one of the top three real estate companies in the late 70's. I worked as an assistant office manager for several years followed by a move to the corporate office helping the president of the company in commercial and home buyer sales.

My dedication to my clients and the commitment to excellence has been the catalyst to my success. My clients will attest that I will go above and beyond their expectations in providing the best service possible. Nothing is too big or small to handle.

My passion is cooking, spending time with family, friends and fundraising for charitable organizations. I have chaired and co-chaired several top charity events, and spearheaded a full day, high energy, high impact event featuring breakout sessions, trade show and a luncheon that provided scholarships for non-traditional students. I am highly motivated and passionate about helping others achieve success. My favorite quote by Zig Ziglar is "you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want".

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